Friday, September 7, 2012

The Beginning

Since the age of 17 when God told me to "GO" forward with serving Him through missions, I was unsure of where He meant exactly by that single word.

It began when I was at a youth conference in Toronto, Canada, and a sermon about missions had just finished. The speaker asked if any where feeling Gods call and I wasn't even though I wanted to. I had always loved hearing about missions, reading of far away places and people. Then a few moments later I heard a almost audible voice say one word, "GO."

Each step of the way since then, He has made it clearer, and equiped me for the next part of the journey. From Nursing school at Olivet Nazarene University, to joing ROTC and being in the Army for four and half years, to coming home and growing even more in Him, to joining a launch team for Point of Change, a new church plant, God lead me each step of the way.

I'm going to share the devotional blog post, from a woman of God I highly respect, that helped to make the next step, and the whole calling clear.

My morning coffee- Sherry Sherwood -- What is God asking you to do today?
Posted on April 27, 2012
As I finish up the book of Colossians today, I feel God has given me a message for someone else. Just as God gave Paul the words He wanted him to speak to the Church at Colosse, I believe someone reading needs to hear what God has added to my morning coffee.

“Be sure to carry out the ministry God gave you.” This is Paul’s advice to Archippus in Colossians 4:17. Today as I reread through the book of Colossians, I get the strong impression that someone is running from what God has called them to do, not out of willful disobedience but because they are convinced they missed their chance – that they have to settle for plan B because they did not accept God’s will when they were first called by Him.

Paul understood what it means to be called by God for a specific purpose. Paul said he was chosen by God to be an apostle of Christ (1:1), that he was appointed as God’s servant to proclaim the good news (1:23) and given the responsibility of serving His church by proclaiming the entire message of Christ (1:25). But Paul did not start his adulthood following God’s plan for his life. He was actively involved in the Jewish religion but had not surrendered to the Lordship of Christ and His plan for Paul’s life. God took great measures to get Paul’s attention on the road to Damascus, bringing him back to the true purpose of his life.

Paul had much to be ashamed of as he accepted God’s call on his life. He could have walked away saying, “I’m not worthy of this call” but instead he accepted what Jesus did on the cross for him and walked into the forgiven life, willing to be and do whatever God created him for. Paul reminds me a lot of my father, who was called as a teenager to preach God’s word yet resisted God’s plan for his life, completely walking away from both God and the Church. At the age of 34, he stopped running and accepted God’s call into full-time ministry. After 32 years as a pastor, he is now retired but continues to serve God in the Church knowing that his life is not his own, but that he has been chosen by God.

Paul reminds us that we, too, have been rescued from darkness (1:13). We were once far away from God but Christ died so we could be reconciled to Him and brought into the presence of God “holy and blameless,” without a single fault (1:21-22). The enemy tries to convince us we are not worthy of what God is calling us to do. But hear this today: You were dead because of your sins but God made you alive with Christ when he forgave ALL your sins. He canceled the record of the charges against you and took it away by nailing it to the cross (2:13-14).

God chose you and God is calling you. It’s time to stop running and “complete the work you have received in the Lord” (4:17). The fact that you ran from God’s call no longer matters. The past regrets are just that – past. It no longer matters how you have sinned, but Christ is all that matters and He lives in you (3:11). You died to this life and your real life is now hidden with Christ in God (3:3). And not only are you with Christ, Christ lives in you (1:27). His power is at work within you, giving you the strength to work hard for Him (1:27).

And so my prayer for you today echoes Paul’s desires for the Colossians. I pray that God will give you complete knowledge of his will, that you will have spiritual wisdom and understanding as you continue to follow Him. I pray you will represent Christ today clothed in love and accessorized with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and forgiveness as an outflow of Christ living in you. I pray you will work willingly, making the most of every opportunity. I pray you will fully accept what God is asking you to do today with no resistance.

--so, I had not been like Paul, or even like Sherry's dad, and completely run away from my calling, but I hadn't truly been seeking God about it either. I was content with where I was. I told myself that Army thing was enough of a mission. God had told me to go home, made it clear He wanted me helping out as a youth group leader, and I was seeing Him work in all of this. He told me clearly "Point of Change", so I joined a new church, and I love it. I was no longer seeking His will regarding my "Go" calling, thinking I had already went. Weren't Army bases in Texas, Hawaii, and Missouri enough!??! Can't I just enjoy my family and live a "normal" life in Illinois? (pun intended, I live in Normal, IL on Walnut street, can't get much more classic Americana than here.)

Then, that night came in April when God woke me up and I read what Sherry said, and I knew I had been neglecting my original calling. Not intentionally, I was following what God had said, my life is fully His, but I had stopped asking God about the "Going" and He wanted me to ask again. This time when i did, it became clear. Pictures of a place I had never been to, only heard about, came to mind. Pictures of other people God had called to go to this place, others who God had given a passion for Papua New Guinea! I had only seen the pictures once, in a brief mission talk, but I will never forget them or that night when God woke me up to read Sherry's blog. Now the next part of the sentence has become clear- " Papua New Guinea."


  1. Yeah! So excited to read more about the journey start! Congrats on the call, but really really congrats on answering the call. God is gonna bless ya big time sister!

  2. I love you, Staci! I look forward to following your journey as you follow your Call:) I am so proud of you and excited for you!
